Saturday, January 31, 2009

Super Bowl Pick

I'm doing it.

Cardinals 24
Steelers 17

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ok, so who ya got!!

So who is your choice for Super Bowl Champions? I am pulling for the Cardinals and think they have a good chance to win, if the refs don't give the "Stealers" the game this year like they did in Super Bowl XL. So here is my choice.

Super Bowl XLIII

Arizona Cardinals 34 Pittsburgh Steelers 24

Super Bowl MVP: Larry Fitzgerald

Monday, January 19, 2009

Championship Game Recap

Okay, so a Super Bowl of the Pittsburgh Cardinals vs the Arizona Cardinals. The Steelers are obviously the favorites, but should they be? The Cardinals are on a roll, and I predict the Super Bowl will come down to the performance of the Arizona Offensive Line versus the Steelers Pass Rush.

So, questions I have from the game:

1) What does making a "catch" entail in the NFL?

In baseball, you need to secure the ball and keep it secure if you run into a wall or another player or fall. So if an outfielder lunges to catch a fly ball, takes two steps after the ball goes into his glove, falls to the ground, rolls over, and drops the ball in the process, it's not a catch. For it to be a catch, the release of the ball has to be "voluntary and intentional".

In the Steelers-Ravens game Sunday night, Santonio Holmes made a reception, took steps while being tackled, and when he extended the ball towards the goal line while going down, he lost control of the ball. It was ruled incomplete. In my mind, I separated the two actions. Holmes caught the ball, was contacted by a defender, had two feet down, was disengaged from the defender (completely), and then, in a later action of his own volition, pushes off with a leg and lunges, extending the arm he had the ball secured in, and lost possesion. According to Mike Periera (Head of NFL Officiating), he still hadn't completed the "catch".

If Holmes were an outfielder, the batter would have been safe. But should the same standard apply? I'll try to find video to illustrate my point.

2) Helmet-to-helmet hits?

Steelers S Ryan Clark was not flagged for a helmet-to-helmet hit on Ravens RB Willis McGahee, a hit that put McGahee into the hopsital. It was argued that he was trying to lead with the shoulder, but I think it doesn't matter. One of the truisms of refereeing is that you don't consider intent. Their helmets hit, which is Clark's fault for taking the risk of that when he went for the vicious highlight-worthy "kill shot", but even if he didn't intend to, the contact still occurred. Throw the flag. He doesn't deserve a fine, since it was a fluke combination of leading with the shoulder and McGahee bracing himself by lowering his head, but it deserved to be flagged.

Matt Snyder of AOL Fanhouse disagrees with me. Thoughts?

3) Is it possible to cover Larry Fitzgerald by less than four defenders?

Friday, January 16, 2009

NFL Playoff Picks

Ok, so here are my playoff picks for the AFC and NFC Championship games this weekend. Right now my record for the NFL playoffs stands at 3-5. So lets see how bad I can get them this weekend.

NFC Championship Game Sunday @ 3:00 PM

Arizona 24 Philadelphia 20

AFC Championship Game Sunday @ 6:30 PM

Baltimore 17 Steelers 10

I know that I have chosen both of the underdogs for these games but I think destiny may be on Arizona's side this year. And I have picked them to lose twice and they have won both times. The Ravens-Stealers (I know I spelled it wrong) game is going to be all about defense and it could go either way, but I hate the Stealers and I don't want to see them and that smiling bitch, Hines Ward in the Super Bowl again.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A-Rod Has Nothing on Rice and Rickey

Jim Rice and Rickey Henderson appeared on Letterman last night to do the Top 10 list. Things got pretty funny when both men jokingly claimed to have slept with Madonna. Somewhere, a lone tear falls down Guy Ritchie's cheek, and Vanilla Ice reflects on the "Sex" book and the good ole days.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Braves sign Derek Lowe

According to baseball sources, ESPN has announced that the Atlanta Braves and P Derek Lowe have agreed on a 4 yr/ $60 millon contract, pending a physical. This comes on the heels of Atlanta signing Japanese All-Star Kenshin Kawakami to a 3 yr. contract. Lowe and Kawakami join Javier Vasquez and Jair Jurrjens in the Braves' new look rotation.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Waiter, Take Back The Steamed Rice

After 15 years, Hall of Fame voters finally decided to send Jim Rice to Cooperstown in his final year on the ballot. He received 76. 4 percent of the vote while Hall of Fame shoo-in Rickey Henderson received 94.8 percent on his first ballot.

It is perplexing that voters would ultimately decide to enshrine Rice on his 15th try. Why now and not before? What changed voters minds? The answer is three fold. First, fans and voters must consider the era a player plays in. Rice's numbers are not staggering based on our criteria for today, but, in his day, he was one of the elite power hitters. Second, Rice should thank the steroid bums because their embellished numbers make his real but less daunting numbers look even better. Third, Rice should bow before former Red Sox public relations director Dick Bresciani because he made it his mission to convince the local New England media to vote him in after many probably shunned Rice on their ballot because of his "ill" treatment of the local media during his career.

Looking over Rice's numbers I'm still not sure whether or not he belongs in Cooperstown. Honestly, the case could be made either way. These articles help illustrate the pros and cons, but, ultimately, Rice was an elite of the elite type of player for maybe five years, definitely not his entire career.

Therefore, voters have a problem. There is no Hall for the not quite elite but still better than most type of players. The line has to be drawn somewhere. I only ask that it is drawn straight. If you believe that the Hall should be home only to the elite of the elite then only a handful of players deserve to be there, such as players the caliber of Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, and Ted Williams. That's fine and if you vote this way it is understandable why you would leave Rice out.

But it is wrong for voters who are not so elitist to vote in players like Jim Rice and then leave out the likes of Andre Dawson and other similar not elite but better than the rest type of players. If voters drew a check next to Rice's name then those same voters should do the same for players like Dawson, Tim Raines, Dale Murphy, Bert Blyleven, and Jack Morris.

These players may eventually have their day, but for now congratulations Jim Rice and Rickey Henderson.

Rickey Being Rickey

While we wait for the Hall of Fame's newest inductees to be announced, enjoy 25 hilarious Rickeyisms from Major League Baseball's all-time best lead-off hitter, and obvious first ballot Hall of Famer, Rickey Henderson.

1) Rickey… on referring to himself in the third person:

“Listen, people are always saying, ‘Rickey says Rickey.’ But it’s been blown way out of proportion. People might catch me, when they know I’m ticked off, saying, ‘Rickey, what the heck are you doing, Rickey?’ They say, ‘Darn, Rickey, what are you saying Rickey for? Why don’t you just say, ‘I?’ But I never did. I always said, ‘Rickey,’ and it became something for people to joke about.”

2) In the early 1980s, the Oakland A’s accounting department was freaking out. The books were off $1 million. After an investigation, it was determined Rickey was the reason why. The GM asked him about a $1 million bonus he had received and Rickey said instead of cashing it, he framed it and hung it on a wall at his house.

3) In 1996, Henderson’s first season with San Diego, he boarded the team bus and was looking for a seat. Steve Finley said, “You have tenure, sit wherever you want.” Henderson looked at Finley and said, “Ten years? Ricky’s been playing at least 16, 17 years.”

4) This one might be my second favorite. This wasn’t too long ago, I think it was the year he ended up playing with the Red Sox. Anyway, he called San Diego GM Kevin Towers and left the following message: “This is Rickey calling on behalf of Rickey. Rickey wants to play baseball.”

5) This one happened in Seattle. Rickey struck out and as the next batter was walking past him, he heard Henderson say, “Don’t worry, Rickey, you’re still the

6) Rickey once asked a teammate how long it would take him to drive to the Dominican Republic.

7) Moments after breaking Lou Brock’s stolen base record, Henderson told the crowd, with Brock mere feet next to him, “Lou Brock was a great base stealer, but today, I am the greatest of all-time.”

8) Henderson once fell asleep on an ice pack and got frostbite, which forced him to miss three games, in mid-August.

9) A reporter asked Henderson if Ken Caminiti’s estimate that 50 percent of Major League players were taking steroids was accurate. His response was, “Well, Rickey’s not one of them, so that’s 49 percent right there.”

10) Henderson broke Ty Cobb’s career record for runs scored with a home run. After taking his usual 45 seconds or so around the bases, Rickey slid into home plate.

11) On being Nolan Ryan’s 5,000th career strikeout: “It gave me no chance. He (Ryan) just blew it by me. But it’s an honor. I’ll have another paragraph in all the baseball books. I’m already in the books three or four times.”

12) San Diego GM Kevin Towers was trying to contact Rickey at a nearby hotel. He knew Henderson always used fake names to avoid the press, fans, etc. He was
trying to think like Rickey and after several attempts; he was able to get Henderson on the phone.
Rickey had checked in under Richard Pryor.

13) I didn’t believe this one at first. However, I emailed a few contacts within the Sox organization and they claim it actually happened. This is priceless, it really is.

The morning after the Sox finished off the sweep against St. Louis last October, Henderson called someone in the organization looking for tickets to Game 6 at Fenway Park.

14) The Mets were staying in a hotel less than a mile from Cinergy Field in Cincinnati. While some players walked, most took the team bus. A few minutes after
they arrived (again it was less than a mile) the last players off the bus noticed a stretched limo that had just pulled up.

Of course, Rickey emerged from the back seat.

15) A reporter once asked Rickey if he talked to himself, “Do I talk to myself? No, I just remind myself of what I’m trying to do. You know, I never answer myself so how can I be talking to myself?”

16) The story went that a few weeks into Henderson’s stint with the Mariners, he walked up to John Olerud at the batting cage and asked him why he wore a batting helmet in the field. Olerud explained that he had an aneurysm at nine years old and he wore the helmet for protection. Legend goes that Henderson said, “Yeah, I used to play with a guy that had the same thing.”

Olerud said, “That was me, Rickey.”

Henderson played with Olerud on the Blue Jays and the Mets.

By the way, according to numerous sports reporters, this story isn't really true. What makes it so funny is that it sounds like something Rickey would say.

17) Rickey was asked if he had the Garth Brooks album with Friends in Low Places and Henderson said, “Rickey doesn’t have albums. Rickey has CDs.”

18) During a contract holdout with Oakland in the early 1990s, Henderson said, “If they want to pay me like Mike Gallego, I’ll play like Gallego.”

19) In the late 1980s, the Yankees sent Henderson a six-figure bonus check. After a few months passed, an internal audit revealed the check had not been cashed.
Current Yankees GM Brian Cashman, then a low-level nobody with the organization, called Rickey and asked if there was a problem with the check. Henderson said,
“I’m just waiting for the money market rates to go up.”

20) In June 1999, when Henderson was playing with the Mets, he saw reporters running around the clubhouse before a game. He asked a teammate what was going on and he was told that Tom Robson, the team’s hitting coach, had just been fired. Henderson said, “Who’s he?”

21) Rickey was pulled over by a San Diego police officer for speeding. As the officer was approaching Rickey’s car, the window went down a few inches and a
folded $100 bill emerged. The officer let Rickey and his money head home without a ticket.

22) When he was on the Yankees in the mid-1980s, Henderson told teammates that his condo had such a great view that he could see, “The Entire State Building.”

23) During one of his stays with Oakland, Henderson’s locker was next to Billy Beane’s. After making the team out of spring training, Beane was sent to the minors after a few months. Upon his return, about six weeks later, Henderson looked at Beane and said, “Hey, man, where have you been? Haven’t seen you in awhile.”

24) To this day and dating back 25 years, before every game he plays, Henderson stands completely naked in front of a full length locker room mirror and says,
“Ricky’s the best,” for several minutes.

25) In the last week of his lone season with the Red Sox, Chairman Tom Werner asked Henderson what he would like for his ‘going-away’ gift. Henderson said he wasn’t going anywhere, but he would like owner John Henry’s Mercedes. Werner said it would be tough to get the same make and model in less than a week and Henderson said, “No, I want his car.” Turns out the Sox got Henderson a Red Thunderbird and when he saw it
on the field before the last game of the season, Rickey said, “Whose ugly car is on the field?”

25 Rickeyisms taken from

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Damn, now I need another reason to watch the Australian Open!!

Maria Sharapova has pulled out of the Australian Open due to a slower than expected recovery from a shoulder injury. Damn, she was the #1 reason to watch the Australian Open. Damn she is beautiful. What was the #2 reason you ask, because I love tennis. Wait I just found another reason to watch, Ana Ivanovic.

Seriously, I am just kidding, both of these women are beautiful, but I watch tennis because I love the sport and out of all the sports I love, it is the only one I am any good at, the beautiful women are just a bonus.

I agree, Utah is the National Champion, screw Florida.

I totally agree with Rick Reilly and think that you will too after you read this article.

No question, Utah is the National Champion

Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.

See, I told you my picks sucked.

Both picks I made yesterday were wrong, so why do I keep trying? I have no clue.
So, now my picks for today's games

NFC Divisional Game @ 1:00 PM

Philidelipha 21 New York 20

AFC Divisional Game @ 4:45 PM

Pittsburgh 24 San Diego 17

Now if San Diego and New York win, then I know what my problem is, every team I pick to win losses.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Divisional Playoff Picks

Pick for the NFL playoff games on Saturday. And again, my picks sucks, so sorry!

AFC Divisional Playoff Saturday @ 4:30 PM.

Tennessee 16 Balitmore 12

NFC Divisional Playoff Saturday @ 8:15 PM

Carolina 34 Arizona 21

Picks for tomorrow's games later.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Do we need a salary cap in baseball?

This offseason, the New York Yankees signed the consensus top two free agents to record-breaking contracts. SP C.C. Sabathia got a seven-year, $161M contract, the highest ever for a pitcher. 1B Mark Teixeira inked an eight-year, $180M contract, giving the Yankees the four highest single-player payrolls in Major League Baseball (Sabathia, Teixeira, 3B Alex Rodriguez - 10yrs, $275M, SS Derek Jeter - 10yrs, $189M). They also signed SP AJ Burnett to a five-year, $82.5M deal, which would be tops on most teams but barely in the top five on the Yankees' ledgers. All told, over $423.5M in salary has been committed in salary over the past month, by far a record in professional sports. What the Yankees want, they buy.

But is it enough for a salary cap? Yes, the Yankees did have an impressive run in the later 1990's, winning the World Series in 1996, 1998, 1999, and 2000. They made the playoffs eleven straight years, and lost two World Series and several ALCS. They had one of the best teams in MLB history (the 1998 Yankees went a record 114-28 and swept the Padres in the World Series) and became only the 4th team to win three straight World Series titles (joining two other Yankees teams and the 72-74 Oakland A's).

However, consider this. Only twice in the last thirty years has a team won the World Series with a payroll over $100M: The 2004 and 2007 Red Sox. In those 30 years, 20 different teams have won World Series titles. In those same 30 years, 14 different teams have won the Super Bowl, 13 have won the Stanley Cup and nine have won the NBA championship. Yeah, having such a financial disparity between teams makes it easier to buy the players needed to reach the postseason. However, a top-tier payroll does not result in teams consistently winning championships. Despite how it seems, has had more parity than any other major sport in the last 30 years, if you define parity by how many unique teams have won a championship.

You decide. But don't just tell me you want one; that's obvious. Implement it. How much should the cap be? Hard cap or soft cap? Salary cap floor? Let's hear those ideas.

Loyalty in Sports?

I've been following the news the last few days, and I've seen a lot of public outcry (Here's looking at you, Steve) about iconic players leaving the team they've been associated with their entire career. Brett Favre, after 17 years, asked for a trade from the Green Bay Packers to the New York Jets. Just this week, John Smoltz ended his 21-year Braves tenure for the Boston Red Sox. They left for different reasons, but both have received criticism from the fans and hometown media.

But do we have a reason to be angry?

If we like it or not, professional sports is a business. Yes, most players play because they love the game, but you're kidding yourself is you think money is not a factor, if not THE factor, that drives the sport. In the NBA, salary cap space is traded (through expiring, expensive player contracts). Baseball is divided into the "Have-Nots", "Haves", and the New York Yankees, all by amount of money to sign free agents.

Should John Smoltz be hated by the Atlanta Braves fanbase, just because he thought he was worth more than the Braves were willing to offer? I mean, there's not much difference between a $5.5M base salary and $5M in incentives (Red Sox) and a $2M base salary and $8M in incentives (Braves), except what it takes to reach those incentives.

(For the record, the Red Sox incentives were tied to being healthy and on the active roster, and the Braves incentives were "all or nothing" innings pitched/starts made and season awards such as "Comeback Player of the Year" or the Cy Young. Smoltz claims the Red Sox incentives are "more attainable"; the Braves feel that their package is attainable through a healthy, competitive season. What more can you ask from a 41-year-old man?)

I think it's time fans learn to separate the players from the team. In the "olden days", it would have been common to see the players spend their entire careers with one franchise. But those days are over. Finished. Get over it.

Yeah, as a Braves fan, it hurts losing Smoltz. I'm 24. Since I was 3, All I've known is God's gift to baseball John Smoltz going out there every five days to preach to his congregation of Braves fans across the Southeast, with the mound as his pulpit and the fastball as his word. Now he's trading in a Tomahawk for some "Hanging Sox". The world needs less violence anyways.

But you know what? He's not evil for it. He's prideful. He thinks he can still do it, and so do the Red Sox. Don't fault the man for that.

Good luck, John. Thanks for all you've done.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Just like in football, Jackets erase halftime deficit to top Dogs

I am still too pissed about Smoltz to write too much about this but the Jackets beat the Bulldogs in basketball Tuesday night in Atlanta. I don't follow basketball but anytime the Jackets beat the Bulldogs, it is blogworthy.

The Jackets came back from a 13-point second-half deficit to beat their archrivals 67-62 at Alexander Memorial Coliseum on Tuesday. The Jackets improve to 9-5 on the season.

Update on Smotlz and the Red Sox

This from ESPN talking about the differences in the contracts the Braves offered and the Red Sox offered.

"I read today in something that his agent said the other set of incentives [from the Red Sox] were 'more attainable,'" McGuirk said, according to the report. "If John Smoltz pitches like John Smoltz pitches, I think [what we offered] is attainable. If he's not healthy, it's not going to happen."

Smoltz responded to that, with a statement released through his agent, Lonnie Cooper. "I was going to withhold comment until the announcement of my signing with a new team," Smoltz said, "but I now feel the need to clear up any misconceptions and inaccuracies about the contract negotiations between myself and the Atlanta Braves.

"There were large discrepancies between the offer from the Braves and offers from other teams.

"I have always loved the city of Atlanta, and it will always be my home. I will cherish my 21 years with Bobby Cox and all my Braves teammates. I continue to wish the Atlanta Braves nothing but success in the future."

Nice, so Smoltz openingly admits that the reason he is leaving is because of money. Nice loyatly, John, glad to see that you stand for something besides money.

This actually hurts me as a Braves fan. I remember watching on October 5, 1991 as Smoltz helped clinched the divison title and lepted into the arms of Greg Olsen to celebrate the win. I remember watching last year on April 22 as he recorded his 3000strikeout. Alot of my Braves memories include John Smoltz, so yeah this really does hurt. And again, I lay alot of the blame on the Braves and think that they could have and should have shelled out a little more money to keep him, but most of the blame falls on Smoltz. To me, his history as a Brave is now tarnashied and I can never look at his the same way again. Now, he is just a greedy, disloyal ballplayer. Thanks Smoltzy!!

I don't know what to say...

Why the hell would John Smoltz leave the Braves? Just a few years ago he said that he wanted to retire a Brave and now this, wtf!?!?! And over money!?!?! I know that the Braves have not done all they can to keep him but come on Smoltz, be a man and take less money to help the team, your career is almost over anyway. Do you really need the money that bad? I doubt you will even pitch in 10 games this year and if so your ERA will probably be sky-high. I know that a lot of the talk on the internet is blaming the Braves for this and yes, I will lay most of the blame on them but Smoltz deserves some of it too. What happened to team loyalty? I know, I know, it is a business and there is no loyalty in business, but you take someone that has been with the same team his entire 21 year career and you think that he may know the meaning of the word but I guess not. I hope something changes and the Braves can resign him but if not, see ya Smoltzy and we will be happy to resign you to an honorary contract to announce your retirement, next year! Hopefully the Braves can sign Derek Lowe, who they are meeting with today.

Sayonara Smoltzy

ESPN is reporting the shocking news that, lifelong Braves pitcher John Smoltz is close to a deal with the Boston Red Sox.

Now "close to a deal" by no means means that Smoltz will be wearing a red "B" or the god awful "hanging sock," but according to a story by Buster Olney, the Braves were reluctant to give Smoltz $3 million, and, considering his medical reports, "seem to have made a calculated assessment that Smoltz is not going to bounce back."

The Sox are guaranteeing the legendary pitcher $5 million and offering another $5.5 million in incentives, not too shabby for a guy in the twilight in his career who looked burnt to a crisp last year.

I welcome Smoltz. Sure, nobody knows what he has left, but I'm used to the Sox loading up on starting arms in the winter in the event of pitching injuries throughout the season. So, if Smoltz pitches great, awesome. If not, well I wish it could have worked out but the front office is only out $5 million.

The Braves clearly don't see him bouncing back but Smoltz has looked great in throwing sessions, according to numerous sources. We'll see. I trust the Red Sox front office with its personnel moves, so I wouldn't expect them to throw money at a dead arm. Regardless, a pitcher the caliber of Smoltz is worth the risk, especially considering the money the Sox are willing to shell out in order to win.

Nobody should expect 20 wins, 300 strikeouts culminating with a Cy Young Award. The future hall of famer is past all of that. What Sox fans should hope for is a consistent, 10 win presence in the five spot along with the ultra competitive, winning attitude that he will bring to the clubhouse. Also, the guy is lights out in the post season and will give the Sox more flexibility to ditch someone like Clay Buckholtz for a young catcher if Varitek walks. Of course that is all contingent on his performance.

Again, we'll see. Smoltz is by no means C.C. Sabathia at this point of his career, but if it happens, the singing will be huge. Maybe I'm being overly optimistic, but I cannot wait to see never say die Smoltz prove the Braves' front office wrong. If he doesn't, we and baseball fans everywhere will stand and appluad as he walks into the sunset.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Moreno & Stafford Entering Draft

The Georgia Bulldogs offense for next year may take a bigger hit than any opposing defense could level on them. Stars QB Matthew Stafford and RB Knowshon Moreno are expected to announce today that they are entering the upcoming NFL Draft. Stafford and Moreno lead the SEC in passing and rushing this year and were a big reason that UGA recieved a preseason #1 ranking. Stafford becomes the odds-on favorite to be the overall #1 pick by the Detroit Lions and Moreno is expected to be one of the first two RBs selected and the top RB if Ohio State's Beanie Wells decides to remain in school.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Radiers' rumors and a very interesting Atlanta Falcons' rumor

Interesting rumors from around the net. The one about the Falcons is very interesting but I just do not see it happening.

Tom Cable stuck in Raiders limbo

Stuck in the limbo of all this is Raiders interim head coach Tom Cable and most his coaching staff. Wide-receivers coach James Lofton is the only one under contract next season. All the others, including the three coordinators, are out of a contract after Jan. 13. Cable speaks with Davis on a regular basis but has yet to be given an interview for the permanent position. His assistants were given a week off and won't return to work until Wednesday. They're all waiting to hear what Davis is going to do with them, or see if the next head coach will retain them. Davis has the final say in all such matters, but he let Lane Kiffin replace the entire offensive staff when he was hired in 2007. So, when can they expect an answer? Recent history suggests sometime after the weekend of the conference title games - in this year's case, Jan. 18. -- SF Chronicle

Raiders not moving back to LA?
Raiders CEO Amy Trask said there are "no financial constraints or issues" and that fans need not worry about the team being moved back to Los Angeles. "That's the danger of unethical reporting," Trask said. That said, the Raiders aren't raking in cash, even though last year's offseason spending spree might indicate otherwise. The Raiders are one of the lowest-revenue teams in the NFL. Forbes reported the Raiders' 2007 revenue at $205 million, better than only seven teams. The Raiders also play in one of the NFL's oldest stadiums, which doesn't help the revenue situation. The Oakland Coliseum opened in 1966. -- Sac Bee

Falcons Robiskie up for Raiders job?
Falcons wide receivers coach Terry Robiskie is the latest potential candidate making his way around league circles. Al Davis drafted Robiskie as a running back in 1977 and gave him his first coaching job in 1982. Robiskie climbed from assistant running backs coach to offensive coordinator before leaving after 12 seasons. His departure from the organization in 1994 did not necessarily go over well with Davis, which makes any return to the fold an interesting notion at best. A team official said the Raiders have not been in contact with Robiskie. -- SF Chronicle

Falcons might dump fan favorite Brooking?
A similar scenario could unfold this season with several longtime Falcons veterans and key players being let go or not re-signed. Safety Lawyer Milloy, linebacker Keith Brooking, defensive tackle Grady Jackson and linebacker Michael Boley could all be jettisoned. "There are a number of free agents," Dimitroff said. "It's going to be a busy time, mainly on the defensive side of the ball because they are up. There are going to be some well thought-out decisions there. They won't be emotionally driven." Brooking may be the toughest. He's played locally in high school and college and is a fan favorite. -- Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Monday, January 5, 2009

Raiders needs for the offseason.

Offseason checklist

This according to Updates to come.

1. Decide on Nnamdi Asomugha and Shane Lechler: Both are Pro Bowlers and prospective free agents. Are the Raiders going to commit millions to re-signing one or both of them or should they use that money on new players?

2. Find a big-play receiver: Javon Walker was a collosal failure, Drew Carter suffered a season-ending knee injury in training camp and none of the other wide receivers caught more then 22 passes. This team needs a No. 1 wide receiver in a BIG way, either by free agency, trade, or the draft.

3. Bolster the offensive line: Kwame Harris was a failure, Cornell Green's is nearing retirment. Word out of Oakland is that Raiders second-year man Mario Henderson appears to have secured the starting spot at left tackle heading into next season. After replacing the much-maligned Kwame Harris, Henderson impressed interim head coach Tom Cable in a three-game starting stint to close the campaign. Barring the drafting of a tackle in the first round or the signing of a big-name free agent, the job will be Henderson's to lose (Pro Football Weekly).

4. Assemble a coaching staff: Wide receivers coach James Lofton is the only coach under contract beyond Jan. 13. Al needs to hire a new coach or give Tom Cable the job ASAP. The Raiders need to get started on next season now!

5. Improving defense: The Raiders need to add more game-changing players to a defense that gave up too many big plays this year.

So Much For Introductions....

I was planning on my first post here to be recap of Atlanta's victory over Arizona last Saturday, but since life has decided to sucker slap me again I'll resign to using an argument I had with a friend over who was the better team Sunday. Here is the lazy cut n' paste:

"First off, damn right I'm a homer! I must say that this game reminded me very much of the Denver game in week 11. In both games Atlanta's offense stagnated for long periods of time against an inferior defense and the pass defense disappeared against a robust passing attack. This victory for Arizona was much more of a matchup win than outright being better. The 30 points Arizona scored was the most Atlanta allowed all season and the only time they allowed 30 or more all year. The difference making play in this game was the fumble return to open the second half. It was a freak play that rattled an otherwise steady team. I think there were a few series of the Falcons trying to hit a big play to swing momentum back in their favor and instead they fell flat. I believe that Atlanta is still the superior team. By team I mean a group of individuals working together cohesively to achieve a common goal. The most telling information for this argument can be found in the turnover margin and win/loss records. Here is a comparison of the two teams while winning losing and tying in the turnover battle each week:

ATLANTA 11-5 overall/ -3 turnover ratio
- Turnover record- 5-8-3
- Winning turnover battle- 5-0
- losing turnover battle- 4-4
- tying turnover battle- 2-1

ARIZONA 9-7 overall/ 0 turnover ratio
- Turnover record- 7-8-1
- Winning turnover battle- 7-0
- losing turnover battle- 1-7
- tying turnover battle- 1-0

As you can see, both teams fare very well when the margin is in their favor, going a combined 12-0. the big difference shows when the margin is unfavorable or even, with ATL at 6-5 and ARZ at 2-7. Of Atlanta's 6 wins in this situation, 4 came in the final 6 games of the season with a combined 10-1 turnover margin, including 3-0 to San Diego, 3-1 to Tampa and 3-0 to St. Louis. Arizona's 2 wins in this situation were a win against Miami and the overtime win against Dallas (with a blocked punt for a score). These numbers tell me that the Cards can win when things go their way, but falter when adversity strikes. Atlanta shows resiliency and overcomes these difficulties. 6 of Arizona's losses were by a TD or more with 4 games with a 20+ point margin of defeat. Atlanta lost only 3 games by a TD or more with the largest margin of defeat being 15 points. This hints at a pattern of accepting defeat on the Cardinals part and tenacity on the Falcons behalf. This year Arizona and Atlanta each had 5 games against current playoff teams. Arizona was 1-4 and Atlanta was 3-2. Still, Atlanta lost and Arizona gets to be the sacrificial lamb in Charlotte next week instead, where home field advantage truly lives and breathes. Enjoy your day in the sun Arizona. just remember that you had to move to the desert just to become the most important Cardinals in your own town."

Ok, so don't trust my picks, they suck

So I went 1-3 for my pick on the NFL's Wildcard weekend with Philly over Minnesota the only correct pick. I now know the reason I don't go to Vegas.

The Divisional Playoff game are now set

AFC Divisional Playoffs

Baltimore at Tennessee Sat Jan 10th @ 4:30
San Diego at Pittsburgh Sun Jan 11th @ 4:45

NFC Divisonal Playoffs

Arizona at Carolina Sat Jan 10th @ 8:15
Philidelipha at New York Giants Jan 11th @ 3:00

Picks to come later this week. I have decided for picks this week, whatever team I think is going to win, I will pick the other team. We will see how those picks work out.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Good thing I'm not a betting man

Allright, so I am 0-2 in my NFL playoff picks.
I picked Atlanta over Arizona. Wrong!! Arizona 30 Atlanta 24
I picked Indy over San Diego. Wrong !! San Diego 23 Indy 17

Let's try again for today's playoff games.

AFC Wild Card

Miami 21 Baltimore 20

NFC Wild Card

Philadelphia 34 Minnesota 24

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Saturday's NFL Wild Card Games

No spreads, no breakdown, I am just going to pick who I think will win today.

NFC Wild Card

Atlanta 24 Arizona 21

AFC Wild Card

Indianapolia 34 San Diego 27

Other Wild Card game picks tomorrow.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Georgia Tech destroyed by LSU in the Chick-Fil-A bowl.

What the hell?!?!? LSU slams GT 38-3. This felt like a flashback to '06, I kept expecting to see Reggie Ball at QB and Chan Gailey coaching on the sideline. Disgraceful. And Fuck LSU's head coach, Les Miles. Classless POS decided to go for it on 4 down with a fake punt while up by 35. I hate that man. I will post more later, right now I am watching the Capital One bowl and hoping Michigan State pounds the Mutts into the ground.