Thursday, February 19, 2009

A$omugha intercepts the cash!!

From Jerry McDonald at The Contra Costa Times

"The Raiders confirmed the signing of Pro Bowl cornerback Nnamdi Asomugha to a three-year contract Thursday in advance of the deadline for naming franchise free agents.
The monetary figures in the deal, according to both the NFL Network and CNN-Sports Illustrated, are staggering. Both outlets reported Asomugha would get $28.5 million guaranteed over two years, with the Raiders having the option in the third year to pay either $16.8 million or the franchise free agent figure for NFL quarterbacks.
In all, Asomugha could reportedly bank $50 million over the three years, and then be a free agent again at age 31 — still conceivably in his prime.
With the announcement of the signing of Shane Lechler Wednesday, the Raiders now have secured both of their Pro Bowl players without having to use the franchise tag on either one.
Asomugha, who throughout his entire sports career dating back to high school has played on only one winning team (at Cal), was critical of the Raiders direction during the season and said during Pro Bowl week he was resigned to being franchised again.
Last year's top free-agent cornerback, Asante Samuel, received $20 million guaranteed.
The Indianapolis Colts up the ante for the position Wednesday when they signed Leo Hayden to a five-year contract with $23 million guaranteed."
Little PS here, sorry I have not been blogging much lately. Coporate takeover at my job and things have been a little crazy, but I promise to blog more in the future.

Monday, February 9, 2009

A-Roid: Just Another Reason to Hate the Now Tainted Future? Hall of Famer

Jose Canseco is right again. A-Fraud, A-Fraud!!! Now another (now former) future Hall of Famer is adding to the current Major League Baseball dead skunk funk that is worse than the paper mill musk left by the '94 strike season. Then fans were just validated. Baseball is a business first and its players are greedy. Big surprise. Now, baseball is going down the port-a-potty shitter. Fans have no clue who is legit and who isn't, and the uncles you haven't seen in 10 years are adding their digested BBQ to the pile.

There are some future Hall of Famers who I would never suspect of taking the ole ass injection in a million years, but who knows? The following are Hall of Fame guys I would be shocked to see on the tainted list, even in our current climate.

1. Ken Griffey Jr.
2. John Smoltz
3. Greg Maddux
4. Tom Glavine
5. Randy Johnson
6. Pedro Martinez
7. Albert Pujols

Agree or disagree? Can you think of anybody else?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I Hate The "Stealers"!!

This Superbowl was not as bad as Superbowl 40 but I still think the "Stealers" paid the refs a little bit. Oh well, as of tomorrow, my Oakland Raiders are undefeated.